Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Factors of Drugs Abuse

Child's that are lack of parental supervision will easily choose the wrong way on their way of growing. Some of them would want to take drugs because they are influence by their friends. Some of them feel depressed or unhappy so have the thought of taking drugs will reduce their unhappiness. Some of them would want to use this act (taking drugs) to attract their parent's attention. Hence, parent's supervision and communication Is Important In avoiding their child to take the wrong path. Family Conflict * Every family has their own conflicts.For example: divorce, quarrel, countermanding, lack of understanding, lack of love, and lack of concern. All these conflicts can lead to every members of the family to feel unhappy and depress when staying at home. A family is supposed to be happy, peaceful and supportive. When we could not find any of these at our home, we may likely find these at somewhere else and drug may be one of the choices if we do not think carefully. Pressure Academic Fa ilure * Nowadays, studying is not as easy as ancient time where studying is one of their favorite pass times. This is due to strong competitive studying environment.People want to score as high as possible, want to beat down other competitor and become number one academically. Those who put on a lot of pressure on themselves to score the best or other people such as parents put a lot of pressure for their children to score the best, may feel super depressed and stress. They may want to find a way to release their huge amount of stress. Some of them could not accept the fact when they face some failure academically. Drugs may be one of their choices. Working Pressure * Working world is even competitive than when we are studying especially urban rear.People fight for their Jobs to sustain their everyday life and family. Everyone would want to prove their capability to their superior to maintain their position and to get more on their pay. In order to do the best and get the best, ever yone work as hard as possible and here comes the huge pressure. Huge pressure from tones of undone tasks, sales pressure, pressure from superior and colleagues. These pressures can make a person to feel difficult to even breath. At this moment, drugs may become their channel to release their stress. Social Life / Network Peers/yearns/colleagues Everyone needs a network.That is why social network such as faceable, fritters, mans, and twitter is so popular. Everyone needs friend. Everyone needs to belong to a group in order to not feel left out or alone. In order to be a part of something, they follow what others want them to do. They also want to be â€Å"cool† and not wanted to be called old-fashion. When they meet a group of friends with bad habits, here comes they can take the wrong path. The percentage for a person to take drugs is very high when they are being invite and encourage by friends from their group.Entertainment Nowadays people like to go clubbing to release the ir stress, make friends and clubbing is their weekend must-go activity. The channel to get drugs and to have friends with drug addiction is extremely high in club and pub. People invite you to take drugs to get high. People sell drugs secretly in clubs. People even taking drugs at every corner of the place. To let ourselves into drug, is such an easy Job in these entertainment places. Individual Emotional Problems * People with emotional problems or struggles always think of an easy way to get off from the problems that they are facing.Taking drugs is an easy way to feel happy. Drugs can numb the pain that they are suffering for a moment. People that are struggling is weak and easily think of taking the easiest way out and take the wrong path. Hence, when drugs, an easy way to escape, approach them, they will get themselves involved with drugs. Curiosity * Curiosity is always the main cause for taking drugs. People feel curios when they never try it. Hence, they would want to take a risk to try it and see what will happen. However, they never know the consequences of one try. One try leads to another. Over time, it becomes addiction and it is hard to get back.

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